About Us

The Heidi Group was founded in 1995 to offer both physical and eternal life choices to girls and women facing unplanned pregnancies. Carol Everett, the founder, brings a unique perspective to this mission due to her past experience in marketing abortions and operating abortion facilities before finding faith in Jesus Christ. Her insider knowledge exposes the unethical practices of the abortion industry.

While many view abortion as a simple choice, Carol’s experiences reveal the industry’s deliberate efforts to promote sexual activity outside of marriage. When contraceptives fail, the industry’s sole solution is abortion.

The Heidi Group’s impact spanned all fifty states as Carol traveled nationwide, sharing her personal involvement in the sale, risks, and provision of abortion services. Over the years, the areas of service have evolved. Initially, Carol focused on educating the public through speaking engagements, television, and radio shows.

Carol’s efforts have given her a platform to serve the unborn and those in pain from a previous abortion through her testimony at life-affirming events and on national broadcasting programs with Mike Huckabee of Fox News, Matt and Laurie Crouch of Trinity Broadcasting Network, Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family, Point of View, Truths that Transform and Pat Robertson of the 700 Club to name a few.

Current Mission

Eventually, her mission became clear: to support Pregnancy Resource Centers (PRCs). The Heidi Group now offers strategic planning and fundraising assistance. Their latest project involves expanding the Texas pro-life community by planting PRCs in underserved areas and providing free pregnancy tests and quality ultrasounds.

How You Can Help

Your financial gift can make a significant impact by helping The Heidi Group fund PRCs in underserved areas of Texas. Each donation directly supports the establishment and operation of these centers, providing crucial services like free pregnancy tests, quality ultrasounds, counseling, and educational resources.

By contributing, you enable The Heidi Group to expand its reach, ensuring that women in all 67 remaining counties have access to the compassionate care and support they need. Your generosity helps promote life-affirming choices and strengthens the pro-life community across Texas. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of countless women and their unborn children.

Make a gift today.